Attendees of the National Convention will be able to participate in two of these workshops. Workshops will run on Friday and Sunday afternoons. Please note that workshops marked with an * will only be held on Friday afternoon.
Finding Images Anywhere
Tim Booth
Limit: 25 attendees
One Light Portrait Workshop
Sean Tucker
Limit: 25 attendees
Do You See What I See
Noëlle Bennett
Limit: 25 attendees
Introduction to Fungi
Shirley Kerr
Limit: 25 attendees
The Road to Honours*
Bruce Girdwood
Limit: none
Photographing Musicians*
Pete Wise FPSNZ and John Miles LRPS
Limit: 20 attendees
Capturing Wildlife Images
Jonathan Harrod
Limit: 25 attendees
From Craft to Boundless Art
Janyne Fletcher
Limit: 25 attendees
Finding the Wild in Your Photography*
Craig Potton MNZM
Limit: 25 attendees
Food / Product Photography
Speaker: To be advised
Limit: 20 attendees
(Sunday only)